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Your guide to the INFORMATION that BIRMINGHAM CAREERS SERVICES keeps about you
Does Birmingham Careers Services keep information about me?
Yes we do. Birmingham Careers Services holds information about you to help us provide you with the guidance and support you require to progress in education, training or employment.
What sort of information does Birmingham Careers Services keep about me?
The sort of information on that is kept about you includes personal detail such as name and address, academic history, employment history and plans
The processing of sensitive personal information is strictly controlled by law. We will always try to gain your consent to record and share sensitive information, for example, about health or criminal convictions, but there may be times when we are legally required to record and share this information without your consent. Where there are issues in connection with safeguarding, child protection or child exploitation, we are required to share information with other organisations.
What do you do with the information you collect about me?
People, who work with you, such as a Birmingham Careers Services PA, will use your information to understand your circumstances and provide the best help available. This may involve sharing the information with other organisations.
Where is the information about me kept?
Sometimes your information records are on paper but usually held electronically. Your information is kept securely and only made available to authorised staff.
A PA will agree with you what information is to be recorded after each interview you have with them. Each time we record information about you we will apply the following standards:
- We will only record information that is relevant.
- We will only record factual information and keep this up-to-date and accurate.
- We will record information clearly so that it is easy to understand.
- We will always show where information has come from.
- We will only keep information for as long as is necessary then remove it.
Who do you share my information with?
Our policy is to be open with you about how we work with or share information with other organisations.
Sometimes we might need to share information about you if we have concerns about safeguarding, Child
protection or child exploitation. Whenever we share information, we have to apply the following standards:
- We only use or pass on information if it is in your interests and relevant.
- We will only record information about you that is given to us by other organisations if it is relevant to our service.
Can I see my information?
When you see a PA you can see your information on the computer screen if they are logged into the database at the time. If you want a copy of the information we keep about you, you must apply in writing, to:
Governance and Compliance Team
Place Directorate
PO Box 2122
Council House Extension
6 Margaret Street
Birmingham B3 3BU
Tel: 0121 675 5044
Email PlaceFOI@birmingham.gov.uk
There may be a small administration fee to provide this information. A simple note, saying, “I would like to see the records that Birmingham Careers Services keeps about me” signed and dated with your name and contact details will do.
We need to make sure that requests for information are authentic and that we are sending the information to the right person.
To help us make sure that we have the correct person, we suggest that you call in to one of our BCS drop in sessions (see our website via:
for details) or mention it to a Birmingham Careers Services PA when you are working with them. You can write out your request in advance and then sign and date it in front of the PA. You might be asked to provide
some ID if the PA or other member of staff does not already know you. They will then pass your request on to the Children, Young People and Families Directorate, Information Governance Manager. Once we have verified that you have made this request in line with the legal requirements, we will respond to you within 40 calendar days.
What if I don’t want Birmingham Careers Services to record or share my information?
If you do not wish us to record or share certain information with other organisations, you will need to tell a PA. They will discuss the consequences of this with you, as it may restrict the service that we can provide. We will record on the database when you have given consent to record or share information. Each time you see a PA they will check whether you are happy with us continuing to record and share information about you. If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to record or share information we will also record this on the database.
If you have any further questions about the information in this leaflet you should either discuss it with a PA or contact:
Governance and Compliance Team
Place Directorate
PO Box 2122
Council House Extension
6 Margaret Street
Birmingham B3 3BU
You can always get advice on data protection from:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Helpline: 0303 123 1113
Website: www.ico.org.uk