Phone: 0121 257 6072
Direct: 07498417 896
How will the institute know what support I need?
There are several ways we identify the support needs for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. For those who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) this may be through liaison with school or your local authority. For young people without an EHCP it may be through application form, interview, or the enrolment form. It is important that you tell us as early as possible so that we can advise you and others on what support is needed. There are also opportunities for you to discuss your needs with your tutor throughout the year.
How is the decision made about the type and the amount of support I receive?
Young people with an EHCP or identified learning difficulty or disability will be supported according to the requirements outlined in the EHC plan or through an assessment by one of our Additional Learning Support team. If you do not have an EHCP a support plan will then be drawn up and shared with you, support staff and tutors.
Will I get 1:1 support?
Yes, if your EHCP states you require 1:1 support. The aim of all support is to promote and develop your independent skills and prepare you for next steps and adulthood. At college, 1:1 support is not always one student with one member of staff. It may be one member of staff in a group where several students require support, and the support worker supports with each as required. The type of support will be decided on an individual basis.
How will the curriculum be matched to my needs?
All lessons are planned to make sure you get the help you need to make good progress and become more independent. The Additional Learning Support team work closely with tutors to ensure reasonable adjustments can be made on an individual basis.
What specialist services and expertise are available at college?
Our Teaching and Additional Learning Support Team are well trained in:
- Autism
- Dyslexia, Dyscalculia & Dyspraxia
- Sensory impairments
- Learning difficulties
- Software is available on student computers to read out information on screen
- Assistive technology – JAWs
- Laptops with specialist software can be made available to students who require them
- Sign language support
- In class support
- Mentoring and more
What if you do not have the expertise in college to meet my needs?
We also work closely with external agencies to meet the needs of young people as appropriate. These include:
- Visual Impairment Team
- Hearing Impairment Team
- Autism
- Speech and Language Support
- Educational Psychology Service
I want to know what other options there are in Birmingham and how the Local Authority can support me:
Birmingham Local Authority has a special website, full information about the local offer for students with special educational needs or disabilities:
Who can I go to for help and advice about the assessment or Education Health and Care Plan process?
Please contact SENDIASS, which is part of Birmingham City Council and offers impartial, confidential advice and guidance to parents and young people who are going through SEN assessments.
Which course can I do?
You can search through our courses to find the one that best meets your interests and needs.
We also offer supported learning courses for students with learning difficulties and disabilities, which are listed here.
How do I apply?
You can apply on this website, by searching for a course that you want to do. What is important is that you disclose your needs on your application form so that we can assess you and arrange your support before you start your course.
You can apply on this website, by searching for a course that you want to do. What is important is that you disclose your needs on your application form so that we can assess you and arrange your support before you start your course.